What is Smart Content?

Smart Content is another term for Document Automation. It refers to the automatic creation of documents using a combination of content, logic and data.

How hard is it to learn?

Not too hard. Our goal is that you can use Tag without having to read a manual (although you still can if you want to ). We still have more to do, but this approach helps to guide decision-making about how the software should work.

Our philosophy is that we all have too much to remember these days, and tools like Tag should do more remembering for us.

What benefits does it offer?

The productivity gains can be tremendous - more than 80% in time savings is not uncommon.

Quality also improves. Not only do you eliminate typos, but the time savings afford you more time to think about what you're writing.

Job satisfaction rises. Getting rid of busy work makes everyone happy. So does knowing that you're always using the best fragments of text or content in each situation.

How much does it cost?

It's free to use up to a point. The free Community subscription provides access to all smart content features, with a maximum of 3 generations to a file per month. Generation to a preview is always free.

Paid subscriptions include unlimited generations to a file.

Who uses it?

Document automation has traditionally been used by Legal, Finance, Medical, Health and Government sectors.

Now it is used in almost all sectors, anywhere where word processing documents have value to organizations.

What problems does Tag's smart content solve?

The way Tag supports smart content is different. Document automation is no longer hard to learn, expensive, or based on older/limited technology.

Mixture of static and dynamic content

Tag's editor lets you seamlessly combine content and logic. Organizing content with templates means that text fragments (static or dynamic) can be reused in a consistent way everywhere.

Create same document many times with variations

Define what the variations are using data, then use logic to customize content. Each time you gather new data, the generated document can be as unique as you need it.

Copy/paste reuse can cause errors

Humans make mistakes, especially during boring tasks like replace all 'he' with 'she'. If you provide good data, logic instructions don't make the same kinds of mistakes.

Too much time spent on document preparation

This is a common complaint that can be solved! Often this refers to mechanical / non-thinking kind of preparation, which is an ideal candidate for automation.

Don't want to learn more technology

We understand and often feel the same way. Tag uses No-Code expressions, wizards, smart upgrades, and more to help guide you to the desired outcome without testing your memory.

Want to share team/organization knowledge

By default, all of Tag's inputs are files that can be shared over a network. You can share content, logic and data to whatever extent makes sense for your team.

How do I learn more?

The following pages discuss the main feature sets along with lots of screenshots. They contain links to more information that is also available in the Learning Center.

Can I get a head start?

We can help automate your existing documents. Our onboarding service can convert static documents (almost any format) into smart content that uses a set of data fields tailored for your needs. When you get them back, the template files can be freely edited to update wording and customize formatting. Contact us to find out more.

It is also possible to let the computer do more work for you. After using a machine learning model to detect entities, you can easily find and replace many of the common target terms. Some automation of this process is possible for larger collections of documents. The fees are quite low (usually pennies per page), and are directly related to the volume of content processed.